Trademark Applications | $850
The first step to obtaining a federal trademark registration for your brand is preparing a federal trademark application. Our Portland trademark attorneys take care of the complexities of preparing your trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Beyond preparing your trademark application, our trademark attorneys represent you before the Trademark Office while your trademark application is being examined until it becomes a registered trademark.
Beyond preparing your trademark application, we represent you before the Trademark Office until your trademark is registered.
Our Portland trademark attorneys will prepare a flat fee trademark application directed to your business name, logo, slogan, and more. Ask our trademark attorneys how we can prepare an intent-to-use trademark applications (ITU trademark applications) even before you start selling products. If you already have established use-in-commerce of your trademark, our trademark attorneys can speed up the trademark process for you.
Ask our trademark attorneys about the benefits of conducting a trademark search before preparing your trademark application. You will appreciate the peace of mind that comes from a trademark attorney advising you that your trademark is available for you to register and does not conflict with trademark rights held by another party.
Flat Fee Pricing
For one simple fee, our trademark attorneys can take care of your federal trademark application for you. Our flat fee trademark applications include all legal and government filing fees to prepare and file your trademark application. Our trademark attorneys can also conduct a flat fee trademark search for you.