A trademark search provided by our trademark attorneys can save you substantial sums of money by steering you clear of trademarks that are not advisable for your business.

Enlist a Portland trademark attorney to conduct a trademark search for you when considering a new brand name or when launching a new product. A trademark search helps our trademark attorneys advise you regarding federal trademark registration and potential trademark infringement liability. Our trademark attorneys recommend conducting a trademark search as a first step when preparing a trademark application.
Candidate Trademark Search | $300 per trademark
A candidate trademark search is a great way to identify good trademark candidates for you to adopt as brand identifiers. Our trademark attorneys will conduct high level searches on any number of trademarks you propose to identify whether clear conflicts exist for each one. As part of your candidate trademark search, you will get a report from a trademark attorney that indicates the viability of each trademark candidate for further consideration in a Standard Trademark Search and potential adoption.
Standard Trademark Search | $1,250
A standard trademark search conducted by our trademark attorneys will inform you whether pursuing federal trademark registration for your trademark is advisable. Our trademark attorneys will search trademark databases maintained by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for existing trademark filings similar to your proposed trademark. Once we complete your trademark search, you will get a trademark eligibility opinion from a trademark attorney to help you decide how best to proceed with your trademark.
Extended Trademark Search | $1,750
When considering a large scale product launch, an extended trademark search conducted by an experienced trademark attorney is invaluable. In addition to enabling our Portland trademark attorneys to advise you regarding federal trademark registration of your trademark, our extended trademark search identifies parties with potentially interfering rights on a nationwide basis. Our trademark attorneys can save you substantial sums of money with a trademark search by steering you clear of trademarks that are not advisable for your business.